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FEBRUARY 19, 2008

6:30 PM         Memorial Hall

Present:                Chairman James Jumonville, Kimberly N. Ferguson, David J. White
Kenneth O’Brien, Joseph G. Sullivan

Others Present: Jacquie Kelly, Assistant Town Manager
                        Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Brian J. Bullock, Town Manager  

Chairman Jumonville opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.  The Board participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Selectmen Subcommittees

Sel. Ferguson:  Holden Tomorrow: Committee will present an update on the progress of the Master Plan at the 2/19/08 Selectmen’s meeting.  Committee will vote on the implementations/ recommendations in a few weeks.

Sel. Sullivan:  EMS: Reported that the Committee is waiting for a date to make a presentation to the Selectmen.  Have developed and voted on a plan.  After some discussion, it was decided that the EMS Committee would present to the Board at the March 17th meeting at 8 PM.

Sel. White:  PSBC: Getting ready for Town Meeting on March 10th.  Informational flyer will be sent to residences in town prior to the meeting.

Sel. Jumonville:  Memorial Day: Will meet on 2/21.

Open Meeting Law

Sel. O’Brien arrived at 6:41 PM.

Sel. Sullivan spoke to the MGL Open Meeting Law.  The Board agreed to send a copy of the Open Meeting Law to the Chairman of each committee and commission in town to request that each Chair review these laws with members of their committee/commission.  Chairman Jumonville requested that a signatory section be included for each Chairman to sign in recognition of the request.

Town Manager’s Miscellaneous

Assistant Town Manager Kelly provided the Board with an update on neighbor complaints regarding run-off near the Stone Ridge Estates development.  Ms. Kelly reported that Town Engineer Jim Zingarelli has been taking an active part in developing a solution to the problem that is acceptable to both the neighbors and to the developer.  Ms. Kelly reported that the Board would be kept apprised of the final solution.

At the request of Sel. O’Brien, the Town has reviewed its current water-saving device Codes.  Ms. Kelly reported that according to DPW Director Larry Galkowski, the town’s current Water Rules and Regulations are not as restrictive as the State Plumbing Code. The Water-Sewer Advisory Board is looking to make recommendations in order to bring these codes in line with State Plumbing codes.  Sel. Ferguson commented that the town is required to follow the State Building Code and is already adhering to these code requirements.  Sel. White suggested that the Water-Sewer Advisory Board should immediately adopt the State Code as written with the stipulation that the Town follow State Building Codes and any amendments made to the code as necessary.

Sel. O’Brien thanked the Administration for following up on his request to bring the town codes up to date.

Sel. Ferguson inquired if the remainder of the Town Building Codes are up to date with the State Building Codes?  Assistant Town Manager Kelly said that she would investigate.

Ms. Kelly informed the Board that the Holden Council on Aging has been granted a formula grant from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs for $18,707.  The amount is $576 more than last year.

The Board reviewed a letter of thanks from Duncan Leith, High School Building Committee Chair, for the use of town play fields during the construction period.  According to Denise Morano, Recreation Director, Wachusett has requested the use of the following fields for the upcoming spring season: Jefferson fields, Bubar field, Davis Hill softball field, Mayo baseball field, and the use of the Dawson Recreation Tennis Courts.

The Board reviewed the year-to-date Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the period ending January 2008.

Ms. Kelly informed the Board that the FY2009 Budget Book has been released.  This event kicks off the budget season.  She reminded the Board that the first budget review meeting has been scheduled for 2/27 at 7PM to discuss the Resource Profile.  The Town Budget may be reviewed online at

Sel. O’Brien asked that DPW Director Larry Galkowski present a quarterly review of the Water-Sewer Account.  Sel. Sullivan suggested that since the Board is entering into budget season, a review of this account would be forthcoming. Sel. O’Brien commented that the account is 300K overdrawn and a quarterly report is due.  This account needs constant review.

A motion was made by Sel. O’Brien and seconded by Sel. Ferguson that the DPW present a quarterly review of the Water-Sewer Account at the March 3, 2008 meeting for discussion.

Sel. Ferguson said that she agreed with Sel. O’Brien that the Board is due a review of this account.  Sel. White said that he does not want to be presented with additional rate increases like last year.  Budget needs to be managed and does not have much confidence in this process.


Sel. White inquired why the Recreation Revolving Account was not presented in the Budget Review Book?  Sel. White said that this account is significantly under spent.

No one came forward to address the Board.

Holden Tomorrow

Sel. Ferguson presented co-chair Michael Wronski and Town Planner Pam Harding to the Board.

Mr. Wronski provided an update of the planning process to create a Master Plan for the Town of Holden.  The Committee is currently reviewing/prioritizing 80+ recommendations to the Master Plan for implementation over the next 3-5 years. Mr. Wronski said that the Committee is taking ownership of the prioritizing and implementation of these recommendations.  Recommendations are posted on the Committee’s website at or by following a link on the town’s website at  After the Committee approves the recommendations, the plan will be sent to the Planning Board for review.  The Board thanked the Committee for the thoroughness and thoughtfulness in which they have approached the creation of the Master Plan.

Selectmen Miscellaneous

Sel. Ferguson: 1. Commented on the water main break that occurred on Chapel Street during the most recent snow/rain storm.  The Board agreed to send a Hat’s Off Award to the DPW employees who worked during this storm to repair the break.

Sel. Sullivan: 1. Requested that a Rededication of Rice School Committee made up of residents from the Center Neighborhood be formed.

2. Man hole covers clunking along Main Street from the Bagel Inn to McDonalds.  Assistant Town Manager Kelly said that the request might have to go through Mass Highway.  Sel. White commented that manhole clunking problems in this area might belong to Verizon or Charter.

3. Temporary signs along Main Street need bylaw enforcement.

4. Attended the Public Hearing regarding changes to the Regional School District meeting several weeks ago.  The Board submitted several concerns to the School Committee regarding the Regional Agreement and never received a response from the School Committee?  Asked the Administration to seek a response to the concerns by sending a follow-up letter.

5. Expressed concern regarding the repainting/residing of old buildings in Town i.e. Damon House, Hendricks House and the Starbard Building.  Where does the Board stand on the rehabilitation/repair of these buildings? He said that perhaps the town should consider using modern materials without sacrificing the character or the buildings.  He said that the recent rehabilitation of the Congregational Church should be used as an example. Ms. Kelly responded that the DPW has some money budgeted for the repainting of these buildings.  However, some of the materials on these buildings are considered hazardous and further investigation is necessary before work can begin.  Sel. O’Brien said that members of the Historic District Commission and the Historical Society should be consulted during the process so that the “cart is not put before the horse.”

Sel. O’Brien: 1. Recent construction has caused significant runoff along Putnam Road – a constant stream is now running along Putnam Road.  He asked the Town to consider installing another catch basin in this area.

2. Requested that the Administration schedule a meeting with representatives from Winterberry Hollow sooner rather than later.  Due to scheduling conflicts by the Board, a meeting might not be held until the first meeting in April.  The Board will offer the developer the opportunity to meet at the March 17th meeting with the understanding that the meeting will not begin until the polls close at 8PM.

Sel. White: 1. Commented that a member of the Finance Committee has questioned the placement of Article 4 on the March 10th Town Warrant.  Sel. White said he is concerned that the Finance Committee will not vote to endorse the article.  Requested that the item be placed on the March 3 meeting agenda for discussion/clarification.

2. Requested that the Town Manager write up his accomplishments from the previous year to aid the Board in completing the Manager’s Performance Evaluation.

Sel. Jumonville: 1. Commented that there are many potholes in town that need to be filled.

2. Reminded the Administration that the use of fields by high school sports teams also means that the District will provide maintenance to these fields.

Acceptance of Previous Minutes

Motion by Sel. White, seconded by Sel. Ferguson, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE THE FEBRUARY 4, 2008 MEETING MINUTES.


Motion by Sel.  Sullivan, seconded by Sel. White, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE FEBRUARY 19, 2008 MEETINGAT 7:45PM.

Approved:       March 3, 2008